Have you seen the meme asking, “What three objects would you use in a ritual to summon me?” It surfaces from time to time, and I never answered because I could never nail it down to just three things. It tickled my brain, though, and being a witch and writer, I ended up writing a poem in answer.

What can I say, Neil Gaiman says, poems are free.
Summoning Ritual
Music for the occasion: any Wonder Stuff or Kila Scarlett's Walk by Tori Amos or in a pinch Cheek to Cheek by Fred Astaire. Don a piece of clothing you wished you wore more often because it's too fabulous or ridiculous for ordinary days. Light a candle scented like secrets, warm treats, old books: amber, lemongrass, smoke, chocolate. Draw a circle in purple nail polish. Inside draw a star in silver Sharpie. Sprinkle liberally with coffee grounds, toast crumbs, and a few cat hairs. In one hand, hold three treasures you found in the forest. In the other, three treasures you found on the beach. Call out any of my many names, except, for B-words, leave it at "Beth."
What three things would someone put in a circle to summon you? Maybe more than three things? How would you use objects and ritual actions to imply your essential self?
All the best,

In case you’re wondering, here’s the music. The rest must be found on a quest of your own making.
KiLa ~ Fred Astaire