Make your own Magic

Make Your Own Magic

As a writer, you could say I have always wanted to make my own magic. My mother used to say I’ve been writing stories since I could hold a crayon and before that, I was dictating. I dream in stories, songs, poems. The idea of conjuring up images, people, or whole worlds that don’t exist, with just the right words, with intriguing journeys and satisfying endings, is a kind of magic in itself, isn’t it?

My photography, too, is like that, taking pictures because something strikes me as beautiful or meaningful and then tweaking/contrasting/recoloring/pixel-sculpting until the image matches my vision. Somewhere between fantasy and reality. The crossroad of image and vision. Artifacts from the world in my head.

Cards with various fantasy art

Sometimes I mean “magic” to mean wonderful transformative experiences that make you feel good to be alive. Other times I mean recognizing how amazing the real world is already. It certainly can be a unicorn holiday your daughter invented or an artist creating whimsical teapots that are straight out of fairy tales. Fantasy inspiration definitely counts, for me. So do pagan paths to the divine in life all around us. It also includes mind-blowing science about our brains, music that gives you goosebumps, or methods for finding your perfect scent.

It’s part of my quest, a lot of why I started this blog, and central to my creations. There are myriad ways you can make it part of your journey, too.

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